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Zooming Out and Details
Bug #: 3613
File: Cartographer
Date: 05-20-07 09:06 AM
By: Kayde
Status: Unconfirmed
Using version Cartographer-r35382.1013 (unsure of previous versions or release version):

If I lock the maps location, I am left with a VERY SMALL point on the map where I can right-click to zoom out. Additionally, when looking at the overview of all zones in that area (all of Outland for example), no notes are displayed for zone information. When unlocked, all is normal.

Let's take Shattrath for example. Map is locked remember. I goto right-click on the map itself to zoom out to Terrokar Forest... nothing. I continue to click on various spots on the map, and eventually find a "sweet spot" of about 5x5 pixels (im not kidding) that will allow this to occur. I attempt to repeat the action while in Terrokar Forest to get out to the Outland overview, but that same sweet spot is no longer there.

So to get to the overview of Outland, I keep clicking until I find another sweet spot above. Once out there, as I mouse over zones, there is no information at the top of the screen like dungeon levels, fishing level, even the zone name.

Once again, on a stupid hunch I unlock the panel and all returned to normal operation. Locked it again and I'm back to a superglue state.