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Messages generated from other nearby players...
Bug #: 3636
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 05-24-07 12:35 PM
By: Rabz
Status: Not a Bug
I am having a problem on my rogue that sounds like some of what others are experiencing and reporting too...notifications that are coming from things happening with other nearby players. In my case, I am getting the Envenom msg from another rogue using Deadly Poison when his poison stacks to 5 times on the target. This really confused me when we were both using Deadly Poison so I stopped, but was still getting the anncouncment from him using it. Very annoying.

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By: Grayhoof - 05-24-07 02:52 PM
This is not a bug. Its a restriction of the fact that WoW does not give us a way to distinguish between a debuff you applied and a debuff another person applied. If you don't like the message that will work in the times when are the only rogue on a targer, but will not work when other rogues are on the same target, then just disable the custom event.
By: Rabz - 05-24-07 03:35 PM
Understand and will do. Thanks and keep up the great work, you're awesome!