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Profile doesn't load correctly on login
Bug #: 3665
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 05-28-07 06:53 AM
By: Eldalie
Status: Unconfirmed
Hey, I'm not sure whether this bug has been mentioned in another thread before, but I couldn't find it.

I have the lates version of FuBar installed and I have the problem that it doesn't load any of the plugins I have installed when I login with my char. When I check all the plugins are deselected but I cannot manually select them.

When I go to the profiles menue it has correctly selected the profile that has been active during my last login but the bars on my display are completely empty.

To fix tthis, I have to select another profile first, which loads perfectly correct and then select my old profile again. Then he loads the plugins again into the bars.

If someone tells my how to upload pics from my computer, I can post a picture of the problem and how I fix it at the moment.

Thanks for any help 'cause it's really annoying after a while.
