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    View Bug Report
    FuBar (& minimap) icon does nto appear with latest FuBar versions.
    Bug #: 3800
    File: FuBar - Player InFu
    Date: 07-08-07 09:09 AM
    By: Zidomo
    Status: Unconfirmed
    As reported by myself and another poster on the comments section of the PlayerInFu page, as of WoW 2.1.2 live & the latest Wowace SVN versions of FuBar & the Ace2 libraries, the icon for the mod is invisible/not present. Thus the mod cannot be accessed properly. No problems with any other Fubar mod I run (and I run many).

    Another poster put up a "fix", but it apparently only works with the buggy v1.2. Tested with the latest v1.2.1 here, the "fix" doesn't work.

    Changes need to be made to get the icon to reappear as it should. Until then, this mod is disabled here and am instead using FuBar-CombatInfoFu (updated).