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"Feign Death" Error message randomly, and when I'm low on HP
Bug #: 3890
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 08-27-07 12:17 PM
By: Necrous_Bladefist
Status: Unconfirmed
I've been getting an error message popping up on my screen randomly, while i'm walknig around Azeroth, or sometimes when my pet is low on HP (I'm lvling up my Hunter, he's now lvl 15 if that helps anything).

This message also displays on my main, a Warrior.

This message is very distracting, and has nearly resulted in my death on four separate occasions.

Here is a copy of the error message:
Originally Posted by Error_Message
Date: 2007-08-27 10:07:12

ID: 51

Error occured in: Global
Count: 1

Message: ..\AddOns\sct\sct.lua line 233:
attempt to call global 'IsFeignDeath' (a nil value)

...s\KingOfTheJungle\Libs\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:321: TriggerEvent()

Atlas, v1.9.1
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.9.1
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.9.1
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.9.1
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.9.1
Auctioneer, v4.0.2
EnhTooltip, v4.0.2
Gatherer, v2.99.0.0572
Informant, v4.0.2
Murmur, v1.6
Possessions, v20100.2
sct, v5.31
SimpleTranqShot, v2.0 beta
Stubby, v1508
Swatter, v4.0.2
Am I getting this error message A: because there is a conflict between addons? (I downloaded these addons as part of a "Hunter Pack") or B: A error in the coding? Or C: My hunter isn't high enough lvl to KNOW feign death/my warrior isn't capable of knowing feign death, and thusly it has an error message.

Hopefully someone can help me with this.

Thank you.
Necrous Skullcrusher (lvl44 Orc Warrior, Bladefist)