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Is there a way to reset the position?
Bug #: 3973
File: Proximo
Date: 10-02-07 03:25 AM
By: Jeffeq
Status: Unconfirmed
Proximo was working for a few weeks just fine. I actaully disabled it for a day and then turned it back on. When i typed /prox test, i found the window in the far upper left corner. The problem with this is that the header bar is above the top of my screen. I have tried several troubleshooting methods: I have reset my UI from the console, reinstalled proximo 3 times (even tried older versions), disabled all mods and turned on only proximo, and deleated all mods and only installed proximo. Every time it came back in the same position and i have been unable to move the window. Is there a way to reset the positioning to the original so that it can be moved again? Please assist.

Thank you in advance!

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By: Grayhoof - 10-02-07 10:48 PM
Delete the proximo.lua file from your WTF folder settings while out of the game.