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DamageType coloring in Spanish client
Bug #: 4036
File: SCT - Damage
Date: 10-24-07 09:00 AM
By: carahuevo
Status: Unconfirmed
Hi Grayhoof,

The problem is that in the spanish client some spell damage types appears in combat log with two words (i.e "de Fuego" --fire) instead of one as defined in the SCHOOL constants (SPELL_SCHOOL2_CAP = "Fuego"). I made the next fix in order to remove any extra words if needed:

if( damagetype and GetLocale()=="esES" ) then
   local _,b =strfind(damagetype, "(%S+)");
   if (b) then
      damagetype = strsub(damagetype, b+2);
It can be applied to both SCT and SCTD. May be you could include this fix in your next release. Thanks in advance.