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attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'offsetRight'
Bug #: 4040
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 10-25-07 11:20 AM
By: axxo
Status: Fixed
When i was clicking preview in scroll area config while in combat fighting a mob (didn't try to reproduce)

[2007/10/25 18:57:21-1670-x1]: MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTAnimationStyles.lua:579: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'offsetRight' (a nil value)
MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTAnimationStyles.lua:665: in function `initHandler'
MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTAnimations.lua:284: in function <...ace\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTAnimations.lua:202>
MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTAnimations.lua:336: in function <...ace\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTAnimations.lua:300>
MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTMain.lua:848: in function <Interface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTMain.lua:835>


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By: Mikord - 10-25-07 01:08 PM
I'll have this fixed in 5.01.
By: Mikord - 10-25-07 11:29 AM
Thanks for the report. I'll try to reproduce it. I think it know what it might be and I suspect that it would only happen when you change the animation style while things are already scrolling.