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Healing Amount Display Error
Bug #: 4079
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 11-16-07 06:34 AM
By: TonyFSK
Status: Fixed
Whenever I heal some body other than me
The value shown is correct but display strangely
For example:
I cast lesser healing wave heal TaurenA for 194 amount
The display come out would be +19 (Lesser Healing Wave - TaurenA4)
Without the exceed amount and the number is seperated
I check the outgoing tab and the outgoing healing text command(or whatever) is +%a (%s - %n), three of them.

The incoming healing amount is okay
If i copy the incoming command(or whatever) to the outgoing one
The problem still occur

I am a chinese and i wonder whould this be the problem?
Also please forgive me for poor english grammar

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By: Mikord - 03-26-08 07:07 PM
This should be fixed in the latest 2.4 Patch with the combat log changes.
By: Mikord - 01-03-08 09:32 AM
This is a parser error with Chinese. It will be fixed when Patch 2.4 is released since Blizzard is redoing the combat log system.
By: TonyFSK - 11-17-07 10:18 AM
Whenever critical heal occur
Amount shown is correct
By: TonyFSK - 11-17-07 12:42 AM
I mean in a group or raid...
the amount displayed is shown as, let say i heal name for 1587,
the amount displayed will be +587 (Spell Name - name1)
or some thing like that
the number is scattered
By: Mikord - 11-16-07 10:25 AM
Are you referring to when you heal somebody who is not in your party or raid you don't see the overheal (lighter green color) information?

If so, that is a limitation of the game. You can't get actual values to calculate overheal information on players who are not a member of your party or raid.
By: TonyFSK - 11-16-07 08:17 AM
No problem for HoT