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Test Server error
Bug #: 411
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 03-20-06 04:35 AM
By: Shynd
Status: Fixed
Seems to me that the BLOCK_TRAILER and other like variables aren't there while running the test client. Any time I gained rage or cast a buff -- and, presumably, anything else that needs to be parsed, though I didn't test anything else -- WoW would give me an error on line 74 of sct_global_parser.lua, saying that argument #1 to string.gsub was nil when it expected a string.

I poked around and found that RESIST_TRAILER and BLOCK_TRAILER and the like were being passed to this function, so I went into the test server and ran this script: /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(tostring(BLOCK_TRAILER)). It printed out 'nil'. When I do the same thing on the live servers, it prints out '(%d blocked)' like it should. I can't figure out why this is. Where is BLOCK_TRAILER defined? Couldn't find it in any of the sct files, though I'm not 100% sure that I looked thoroughly (it is kinda late, here).

Anyway, this may be a pre-emptive bug and it may just be user error, but I'm relatively positive that I just copied over my entire Interface and WTF folder and translated every saved variable smoothly to the test server. My main concern is that I didn't know where BLOCK_TRAILER and the rest were defined, so I couldn't track the bug down further.


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By: Grayhoof - 03-20-06 08:20 AM
This has already been reported to me (though not on this site) and the fix for it is already in for the next release (coming out soon as 1.10 goes live). These global strings are found in GlobalStrings.lua in the main WoW UI files. You have to extract the file using the WoW UI tool to see it, or you can use this site:
By: Grayhoof - 03-20-06 08:28 AM
Oops, actually all the TRAILER strings are still there, the fix I had done was for changes to POWER_GAIN, which had been removed. As near as I can tell all the block, absorb, and resist trailers are working and still found in the file. I'll play around on test and see.
By: Shynd - 03-20-06 05:40 PM
See, I had thought that I had SCT working on the test server for a while, but I can't be positive (my memory of the past two weeks kinda blurs into one big blob, for reasons I won't describe here =p). Then there was a patch, and I'm positive that it's not working anymore. If I was on my WoW comp, I'd extract the main UI files and check GlobalStrings for any changes due to the most recent patch, but, sadly, I cannot. I'll investigate the problem further when I get home.
By: Shynd - 03-23-06 11:42 PM
I just searched through the *.mpq files in the data folder of the test server and was able to find GlobalStrings.lua AND BLOCK_TRAILER / RESIST_TRAILER, etc. That said, when I try to get them to print out, they still say 'nil' instead of ' (%d blocked)' or whatever. I'm sure this has to do with my installation more than anything, so label this 'not a bug.' It's still strange, though.
By: Grayhoof - 03-24-06 12:06 AM
Trying using a macro to print them out. I've found a few times that using the console doesn't always work the same as when in a macro.