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    View Bug Report
    Library dependencies not satisfied
    Bug #: 4112
    File: MetaHud
    Date: 11-29-07 11:17 AM
    By: nate6s
    Status: Unconfirmed
    With MH now using the RangeCheck-1.0 library, there is a dependency failure when it loads. It can't seem to find Babble-Spell-2.2. If I add a reference to BS-2.2 in the .toc file, I then Iget a failed dependency for BS-2.2, which depends on AceLocale-2.2.

    I fixed it by restoring the .toc file and installing Babble-2.2 and the entire Ace2 library, which includes AceLocale-2.2, directly into the AddOns directory. This satisfies the dependencies and MH now loads and functions as expected.