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Debuff and Buff Losses
Bug #: 4346
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 03-27-08 09:07 PM
By: Kaellis
Status: Fixed
I just noticed with the new SCT update that 'debuff fades' and 'buff fades' are being categorized the same. Before 6.0, when you lose a debuff, it would show as the same color as when you gain debuffs (default was darkish teal), which meant it was under the 'Debuffs' category.
But now when you lose a debuff, it shows up as the same color as when you lose a buff (default yellow), or under the 'Buff Fades' category. So then it's harder to distinguish when I lose a buff or when I lose a debuff.
I would rather have it be different, or at least changeable, between 'Buff fades' and 'Debuff fades.'

Thanks and appreciated.

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By: Grayhoof - 03-27-08 10:01 PM
I have addressed this for my next release. You can grab it from the Ace site if you want have it now.