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Counterspelled and custom parsing not working.
Bug #: 4367
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 03-29-08 01:36 PM
By: Serothius
Status: Unconfirmed
SCT doesn't report that I'm counterspelled when I ask another mage to counterspell me.

I also tried to add a custom event log to parse when I successfully counterspell but that doesn't work either. The following line is what I'm using and I have custom events enabled in the settings panel.

[19] = {display="Counterspell!", search="Counterspell interrupts", r=0/256, g=256/256, b=0/256, iscrit=1, selfonly=1, class={"Mage"}},

I originally had type="BUFFTARGET" in the line too but that didn't work either. I think that counterspelling someone doesn't count as a bufftarget event anyway, but I'm not sure.

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By: Grayhoof - 03-29-08 03:34 PM
Counterspell does not show up in the combat log now as a debuff, so there isn't much I can do. It will show you are interrupted if you get interrupted by it, but just the silence doesn't show.
By: Serothius - 03-29-08 03:50 PM
Since it doesn't show up as a debuff, does that mean I can't parse the log to tell me when I've been interrupted? I've check the combat log and seen the message show up when I've been interrupted or I interrupt someone else. I don't mind not knowing when I'm silenced but I'd like to know about the interrupt effect. Is this possible?
By: Grayhoof - 03-29-08 04:28 PM
This already happens by SCT. It shows when you are interrupted.
By: Serothius - 03-29-08 05:59 PM
There are 2 bugs that I'm reporting and I asked a fellow guild mate to download and install sct to test them.

Bug 1.) If you are counterspelled by someone else, sct should post a message saying you have been interrupted. He received the same error message as was previously posted a day ago by someone else on these forums whereas I just don't see any message or error message at all. Since you stated that you are looking into this problem, maybe your fix to his problem will solve mine as well, so I'll ignore this bug for now.

Bug 2.) I would like to know when I have successfully counterspelled somebody and I should be able to do this by modifiying the sct_event_config.lua file. I checked my combat log which states "Serothius's Counterspell interrupts....." on a successful counterspell. Is there any way to have SCT report when this message comes across the combat log? Before 2.4 your mod worked great and captured this event just fine but no longer works. Since this is not a buff as you stated before, is there no way to capture this message using your mod?
By: Grayhoof - 03-29-08 06:05 PM
Both of these are already done. SCT reports when you are interrupted. SCTD reports when you interrupt someone else. SCT has a bug in the version on this site, but it is fixed on the Ace site if you want to get it.
By: Serothius - 03-29-08 06:50 PM
Confirmed. Both solutions work great. Thanks.