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Error fires when hovering over map.
Bug #: 4407
File: FluidFrames
Date: 04-04-08 06:56 AM
By: Sec
Status: Unconfirmed
Interface\AddOns\FluidFrames\FluidFrames.lua:211: attempt to call a nil value
Count: 3

Call Stack:
[C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\FluidFrames\FluidFrames.lua:211: in function <Interface\AddOns\FluidFrames\FluidFrames.lua:208>

Whenever I move my mouse over the minimap, I get the above listed error.

I am using a minimap addon I have hacked together; my minimap appears square and has been moved to the bottom right corner of the screen. There are a few other features of the minimap, but the minimap addon works just fine on its own. With FluidFrames disabled, the error does not occur. I have only altered the minimap frame using FluidFrames.