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Erroneous OOM alert in cat/dire bear form
Bug #: 4418
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 04-07-08 01:24 PM
By: Yeldrinor
Status: Fixed
Hi there!

When I morph in cat or dire bear form, I get prompted about my low mana pool during combats.

It appears the amount of mana reported at the end of the alert is the amount of rage/energy I currently have, and I get prompted every about 5 seconds when my rage/energy goes under 30%.

I get no prompt about my "true" amount of mana during cat/dire bear morph, whatever this amount is.

The high number of alerts in battle had me disabling the "Low mana" alert in the 5.11 version of MSBT.

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By: Yeldrinor - 04-07-08 01:27 PM
Oops seems like I missed the second page. :P

By: Mikord - 05-15-08 09:23 AM
This is fixed as of version 5.12.