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Hunter Auto Shot classified differently incoming and outgoing
Bug #: 4428
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 04-09-08 09:42 PM
By: Garfi
Status: Fixed
Hunters' Auto Shot ability shows as "melee" incoming damage (which is the correct behaviour in the game standards), but outgoing is colored as skill (yellow in defaults instead of white) and also gets the skill abbrevation ("AS" - which is the same as Arcane Shot). Ideally, outgoing auto shots would be flagged as "melee".

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By: Mikord - 04-09-08 11:03 PM
The reason behind this is for melee classes really. All physical damage is colored white by default. Outgoing melee skills are ignored for damage coloring though because otherwise it's difficult for them to tell skills apart from normal melee damage.

Also, abbreviation is simply the first letter of each word in multiple words. You can do Spam Control->Skill Substitutions->Auto Shot to set it to something different if it bothers you.
By: Garfi - 04-10-08 08:38 AM
Don't want to be a pest, but I'm not sure I can quite follow. To clarify - what I'm asking for is that for hunters, outgoing auto shot damage is flagged "melee/physical" (so it'd be white in default coloring). You say "otherwise it's difficult for them to tell skills apart from normal melee damage" - but this is already true. Incoming auto shot damage is colored white, and hunters do have melee skills as well that'd be colored yellow. As a hunter, it's more difficult (ignoring the skill text for a moment) to distinguish my auto shots from my skills if both use the same color, which is why I brought this up. The way it is right now, it is inconsistant between incoming (flagged white) and outgoing (flagged yellow). If I understand your argument correctly, shouldn't incoming be flagged as skill then as well? Not what I want, but that'd be consistent then.

Thanks for the Substitution suggestion!
By: Mikord - 08-20-08 07:40 AM
The next release of this for WotLK beta will show autoshots as white and other skills as yellow. I added some additional logic specifically to detect this.

It will be in 5.3.20.