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Unable to save / use profiles.
Bug #: 443
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 03-25-06 07:04 PM
By: Lewzephyr
Status: Fixed
This occurs on all my charaters.
right click on BossPanel. go to profile, and select the character / server selection.
Ace: An individual profile has been loaded for Name of Server.
When looking back in the menu, Default is still checked. And log out and back in as another character has all the settings from the previous character. Its as if its actualy saving it as the default.

Removal of all previous saved variables from all BossPanel and plugins. Problem still occurs.

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By: cbDejaVu - 11-19-07 09:20 PM
btw, this hasn't worked for quite some time now. last build I tried was r50845. pretty much going to go back to 2.0 as this is just been broken for too long. I've totally cleared out the setting a number of times and still no go.
By: cbDejaVu - 11-19-07 09:16 PM
This is definately still broken. I use 2 bars one on top and one on bottom and every time I load I have to reload my settings. what I've done is for each character saved name of the character as a profile and then a also a class profile setup the way I want then each time I load I have to load from the class profile to get my bar back. Total pain but at least not as bad as having to rebuild the bar each time I log in or change characters.
By: Tighe - 03-27-06 04:03 PM
I think that i'm having the same problem. I use two Boss bars stacked at the top and everytime I log in several (not all) of the plug-ins that I had assigned to the lower bar haved moved to the top and i have to drag them back in place. So it seems that it is not remembering the placement and configuration of the plu-ins.

Thanks in advance.
By: Lewzephyr - 03-25-06 07:08 PM
FYI this was previously submitted, but declared fixed. Since other was listed as fixed, I figure I needed to start a new trouble ticket.

Thanks for all you do.