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    View Bug Report
    Show Leader Icon Checkbox Not Working
    Bug #: 4599
    File: MetaHud
    Date: 07-13-08 12:02 PM
    By: wallyhartley
    Status: Unconfirmed

    With the "show Leader Icon" checkbox checked or unchecked the leader icon (crown) still shows next to the right side bars if in a party or group and I am the leader. I like to have a very clean interface and have unchecked the boxes for all icons but this one does not appear to be functioning as expected.

    I have tried to check the box as well and the icon is still visible as would be expected but with the box unchecked its still there as well. If I promote another party member to leader the icon disappears as expected and if I am promoted back to leader it shows up again (whether the box is checked or unchecked). Any assistance or advise you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    I LOVE this addon and have used it on all my toons since the day I found it on WoW Interface.

    Thanks for all your work on a great addon!