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event args are blocked by sct?
Bug #: 471
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 03-28-06 06:22 AM
By: neriak_x
Status: Unconfirmed
Heya Grayhoof. first off, this is no rant in any way. I'm using the extended events in sct_event_config.lua to catch normal and critical melee damage. it works fine and I'm pretty happy with it. However I'm also using an addon to capture the highest hits and heals (BossPanel - Top Score) and it doesn't work when SCT is enabled, better said when thethe search patterns in sct_event_config are active.

Is there a way to pass event args from SCT to another addon, maybe you're blocking args. I don't know :)

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By: Grayhoof - 03-28-06 09:01 AM
SCT is not blocking anything that I know of. What version of SCT are you using? Sounds like Top Score may be using hooks instead of just parsing the combat log?
By: neriak_x - 03-28-06 11:07 AM
I was using 4.1 beta version. I can't use the latest (1.10 compatible version) since the patch isn't applied yet on euro-server.

Top Score works with event registering:
		self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF", "OnChatMsgSpellSelfBuff")
		self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS", "OnChatMsgCombatSelfHits")
		self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE", "OnChatMsgSpellSelfDamage")
By: Grayhoof - 03-28-06 01:31 PM
No idea then. SCT does not modify any events or args at all. Are you sure its SCT causing the problem? Reading one of you other posts, it sounded like BossMod isn't even sure their parsing works in german clients (which is VERY different).
By: neriak_x - 03-28-06 04:47 PM
when I comment out the capturing of normal and critical damage in my sct_event_config.lua the BossMod does work 100%. I believe it's the Blizzard bug that doesn't let register an event twice (by different addons). So if SCT comes first it wins I'm curious if this is fixed with patch 1.10 (heard a rumor that this issue will be fixed in this patch).
By: Grayhoof - 03-28-06 06:05 PM
Hmm that can't be right. Tons of mods share the same events. If only one could use an event, then half my mods wouldn't work =) Heck, almost every mod shares VARIABLES_LOADED and ADDON_LOADED =)
By: neriak_x - 03-29-06 04:27 AM
I might have an idea why this happens then. You are deformating globalstrings for german clients, don't you? BossPanel - Top Score also does it ... it parses for glablstrings and then deformat it with it's utility. Maybe the moment SCT is working on it, Top Score isn't able to find the pattern it's looking for?

I don't have any other idea, I'm believing you when you're saying there isn't any problems with multiple event registering.
By: Grayhoof - 03-29-06 08:41 AM
I thought it might be the globalstrings too, but none of the ones I am playing with are used by Top Score.

Gonna have to put in debug statements in Top Scrore to figure out why it isn't working. Not sure I'm gonna have time for that anytime soon, but feel free to try =)
By: neriak_x - 03-30-06 01:04 AM
Yes sure, I'd really appreciate it when you'd find the reason for what's going on. Time doesn't play a big role, I can wait