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Unable to get Top Score to work
Bug #: 511
File: FuBar - Top ScoreFu
Date: 03-29-06 07:41 AM
By: Asml8ed
Status: Not a Bug
I am not sure if this is a bug or not, but I have been having problems getting Top Score to actually record anything that I do be it healing or damage. I have been unable to get this working since it first came out but I've been putting off reporting it thinking maybe it was me. I am using v0.9.4 and I am a level 60 priest. I don't get any lua errors reported. It doesn't seem to matter what options i have selected. But when I nuke, it doesn't record anything. When I heal, it doesn't record anything. Hopefully I just missed the secret handshake that I needed to activate this potentially wonderful tool! :)

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By: Asml8ed - 03-29-06 08:42 AM
Okay never mind. I'm a duma. It works I just didn't give it time to kick in ever before I disabled it.

By: Boss - 03-29-06 11:01 AM
First off, it only works if you heal/damage someone green or higher to you.
For healing, it will only catch if who you are healing is yourself, your target, in your party, or in your raid. Outside of that, it can't pick it up.
For damage, it has to be your target, so some spells like an area of effect spell won't be caught (unless you hit your target, which is likely).
By: cheadstina - 03-29-06 04:15 PM
if level + 4 < UnitLevel("player") then

At level 60 monsters level 48+ are green to you.