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Items Don't support Long Names (First X characters chosen)
Bug #: 5130
File: ItemRack
Date: 11-11-08 01:20 PM
By: tmchardy
Status: Unconfirmed
IR seems only recognise the first X characters (I can't remember what X is, but it has to be less than 25 given the example below). When pulling out an item from the bank or equipping an item with a similar name, it choses the first one it encounters, which isn't always the right one.

IR seems only recognise the first X characters (I can't remember what X is, but it has to be less than 25 given the example below).

This defect has existed since version 1.x and still exists in 2.243

This means that I always have to double check what I pull out of the bank or what I'm wearing when I use ItemRack to equip stuff, otherwise I end up with "Conquerer's Gauntlets of Nature Protection" instead of "Conquerer's Gauntlets of Shadow Protection" or some such nonsense. This results in me forever double checking everything I'm wearing because I don't trust what IR has chosen for me. (and when I forget to double check i always end up wearing the wrong gear)