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    Error on load
    Bug #: 518
    File: RecapFu
    Date: 03-29-06 02:55 PM
    By: Devla
    Status: Fixed
    After 1.10, and starting with blank SavedVariables, I'm getting the following error:

    BossPanel_Recap\\BossPanel_Recap.lua:59: attempt to index field `Opt' (a nil value)\

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    By: Prandur - 03-30-06 11:02 AM
    I haven't been able to duplicate this, but line 59 is:
    self.state = recap.Opt.State.value

    So the nil value in question is actually coming from Recap. I can put some nil handling in so that the error message is never seen, but the cause would seem to reside in Recap.
    By: Prandur - 04-01-06 02:22 PM
    After much trying I still can't reproduce this. Due to the location in the code that threw the bug, I'm positive the fault lies in Recap.
    By: Devla - 04-14-06 08:48 PM
    If you start off with no saved variables (blank WTF folder)

    The UpdateData function is trying to call the following:

    self.viewtype = recap_temp.Local.LastAll[recap.Opt.View.value]
    self.state = recap.Opt.State.value

    Since the SavedVariables are blank and there is no data, it gives an error on the first load. Upon reload its fine.

    I tried changing the Initialize function, but I couldn't get it to fix the issue.

    Workaround is to just reloadui after the first load. I'm just going to disable it by default in my compilation and hope for a resolution.
    By: Prandur - 05-18-06 05:46 PM
    This should now be fixed once and for all in 0.5.1