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"Finish Him" event needs updating...
Bug #: 5306
File: Comix
Date: 12-27-08 03:11 AM
By: Grand11
Status: Fixed

As of 3.02

Basically the UnitHealth("target") no longer masking a 0-100 percentage and therefore Comix is triggering the "finish him" event at 20 health rather than 20% (or whatever the value is set at).

I already did a quick and dirty fix to my copy that does some fast division to convert things and figured I'd fire it off to you do do with as you please. The eniter Finish Him Section at 439 for me now reads:

-- finish him --
if Comix_FinishhimEnabled then
if Comix_FinishTarget then
if UnitHealth("target") > 0 and UnitIsFriend("player","target") == nil then
local TargetHealthPercentage = UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target")
local FinishHimGapPercentage = Comix_FinishHimGap / 100
if TargetHealthPercentage < FinishHimGapPercentage then
Comix_FinishTarget = false
Comix_OneHit = true;

Summary of changes:
1. Removed the ~=0 check from the first "if" statement. Not sure what it was doing, so you may want to put that back ;)
2. Defined to local variables: TargetHealthPercentage & FinishHimGapPercentage , both are calculated with a (very) simple current value / max value
3. Changed the check condition to match new variables

I may have missed something but I think that summarizes everything.

Oh, and thank you for upkeeping the single greatest add-on in WoW

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By: Si_ - 12-28-08 01:53 AM
thanks for spotting this, should be fixed for the next version