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unable to shift-click to send information to chat frame
Bug #: 549
File: FuBar - Top ScoreFu
Date: 03-31-06 08:14 AM
By: Asml8ed
Status: Cant Reproduce
I am using v0.9.5.114 and tried shift-click on the bptopscore and it doesn't paste the information to the chat frame. I've tried with and without the chat bar edit box up. How it is supposed to work? Maybe I am just doing something wrong again. I just assumed I could type /g to start a message to my guild then shift-click on the bptopscore to send that info to the guild channel.

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By: Boss - 03-31-06 10:42 AM
hrm, you're supposed to do that just as you said.
By: Asml8ed - 03-31-06 01:54 PM
I use Chat Frame Extender. Think that could be interfering?
By: Boss - 04-01-06 09:29 AM
By: neriak_x - 04-01-06 11:08 AM
shift-Click works fine here :-/