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Deleting a macro doesn't work
Bug #: 5617
File: IHML - I Have Macro Lol!
Date: 04-11-09 05:58 AM
By: Tifi
Status: Unconfirmed
After deleting any macro the addon stops working. It doesn't matter how I delete a macro, whether by using "/ihml delete 1" or by pressing the "Remove!" button.
Afterwards, /ihml list won't output anything anymore. In the config GUI, the deleted macro was correctly removed from the dropdown list. But it's not possible anymore to select anything from the dropdown list. The name and macro text fields are always set to the string "nil".

The only way to get the addon working again is to use the "Reinsert default macros" button.

My locale is deDE, maybe it has something to do with that.