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    some issues i've discovered in 2.2 beta:
    Bug #: 5618
    File: StunWatch
    Date: 04-11-09 11:43 PM
    By: Deadlycuts
    Status: Unconfirmed
    -bars displays incorrect in a couple amount of time it's shows 5:15 then it can refresh and show timer correctly (from about 2nd-3rd second). sometimes not.
    -when i land "Sap" 1st time it shows 5:12 (upd: not allways - sometimes 5:21 or 5:25. it's still variable value, and as i can notice it have hours:minutes format :) ) and freezes (or maybe after a minute it must show 5:11 as it have hour:minute format as i discovered later). when i'm refreshing "Sap" on same target after it's start ticking but from 55 sec. (must be from 60). when i'm refreshing "Sap" 3rd time on that target, it's continue ticking - timer and bar didn't refresh.But when i land "Sap" on another target, when 1st sapped too it shows timer correctly in about 80% chance.

    all issues that i've found atm. on non-player targets. don't know about player target, i'll check it later.sry for my english.hope u understand me and information will be usefull.