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    Bar updates
    Bug #: 5823
    File: StunWatch
    Date: 05-11-09 10:19 PM
    By: Dairy
    Status: Unconfirmed
    It appears that when applying some new debuffs to pcs and npcs (Deadly Throw, Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot, Sap (I did not test the other effects; Blade Twisting, Riposte, Blade Twisting and Improved Kick silence, contact me through pm if you would like me to)) the bar does not update until the target is retargeted or another effect is applied

    Expose Armour and Garrote will refresh after another effect is applied or after approximately 3 seconds if no additional effect is applied

    Expose Armour, Rupture and Garrote will also not update, to the correct value, if a longer effect is applied over the top of a previous, shorter, effect

    Before the updates on the bars of the effects, the bars are displaying approximately 10 hours ahead of my current time as their value.

    Finally, mace specilisation is no longer debuff, bit nit-picky, but meh :<

    Please, don't hesitate to contact me if any of this is useful and doesn't make sense. Great work so far