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Calendar event alert times
Bug #: 5952
File: Altoholic
Date: 07-08-09 03:33 PM
By: Fragglerock
Status: Fixed
First I want to say this is hands down the most useful addon I run, and I use A LOT of addons (yes i'm not only an altoholic i'm an addonaholic!).

The issue I'm having is really a very small one, and honestly I wouldn't care if it can't be fixed, but just wanted to make it known.

I play on servers that have two different time zones. One is west coast, one is east coast. I live on the east coast (for now).

I often get invites through the in-game calendar system to raid on my west coast server at 5:30pm PST. And I also often am questing/lvling etc. on my east coast server several hours before I raid on my west coast server.

Just before 5:30 EST, if I'm playing on my east coast server, I'll start getting notifications through Altoholic's alert system that my raid is soon to start.

However, since the raid is scheduled for 5:30 PST I know that in fact the raid isn't due to start unti 8:30 EST

Again obviously this is not a big deal, just thought you should know that it is unable to take time differences into account.

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By: AmiYuy - 07-23-09 04:45 PM
This also happens for me.

What time zone is your game clock displaying?

My theory is: Altoholic takes the time to alert you from the displayed time on your clock, not from server time. Which, isn't helpful considering game events are usually set to server time, not necessarily your local time which is what you might display.

I used to have my clock showing PST (I'm on a CST server) and the Altoholic alerts for the raid started two hours into the raid.

Currently, using ClockFu, I'm showing BOTH CST and PST times and getting reminders both before the CST time and before the PST time.
By: Thaoky - 08-28-09 07:10 AM
Fixed in most recent version, as you've probably already noticed.