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    View Bug Report
    lua error report
    Bug #: 5961
    File: StunWatch
    Date: 07-18-09 08:57 AM
    By: AefaAxan
    Status: Unconfirmed
    I've downloaded Stunwatch 2.2 Beta. It appears in the Addons section when I click the Addons button in the lower left of the Character Select screen and is checked as loaded.

    When I select my Rogue and press Enter Game, the game loads normally, but then I get the following error box appear on the screen:

    .../AddOns/Stunwatch/Libs/AceAddon - 2.0/AceAddon - 2.0.lua: 21: AceAddon - 2.0 requires AceOO - 2.0.

    No idea what that lot means, but Stunwatch definitely won't work. When I use the chat box and type /stunwatch, I get the unknown command error message, and when I type /sw I get a stopwatch feature appear on the screen.

    By the look of the error message, it appears I may be missing a feature called AceOO 2.0, but I'm not sure. I downloaded the zip file from wowinterface twice and unzipped successfully to my Addons folder. I deleted any previous Stunwatch Addon , then unzipped the downloaded files again, but no success. It certainly registers in the Addons, and is checked as loaded.

    I'm at a loss as to what to do next