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Auction Data incorrect.
Bug #: 6042
File: Altoholic
Date: 08-12-09 10:06 AM
By: TekNoir
Status: Fixed
The newer versions of Altoholic using DataStore does not properly store my auction data. I did not and do not have this problem if I revert to an older version on Altoholic.

It will sometimes show that I have two or even three times as many items posted as I really do. No amount of logging off and/or rechecking the auction house corrects it. It is not cosmetic as the list of posted auctions in Altoholic has many duplicates that I haven't posted (nor owned).

To recreate the problem I reset all data by deleting the WTF for Altoholic and all of the DataStore modules. The initial visit to the auction house stores the correct data for current auctions. I then check for having my auctions undercut (using Quick Auctions 2 by Shadowed) and cancel those auctions which are undercut. I check the data and it is correct after the cancellations. Closing and immediately reopening the auction house does not change the data. I then collect my canceled items from the postbox. All data is still correct. I return to the auction house and check the data one more time. Still normal. I then repost all of my auctions (using Quick Auctions 2 for most items). Once finished, the data is now wrong. It may have four of one item, though I only own and have posted two. It is the same for many items in the list. Altoholic lists nearly double the number of auctions than what should be listed. Ignoring this (and not resetting the data) causes it to triple or quadruple things. Those false auctions never disappear, even upon logging off and/or revisiting the auction house so that it can "see" the correct number.

I thank you in advance for your time.

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By: Thaoky - 08-28-09 07:17 AM
Fixed in 3.2.001d
By: TekNoir - 08-13-09 10:00 AM
I have seen comments elsewhere that it isn't just auction data, but also mail data.
By: TekNoir - 08-12-09 10:54 AM
This time it did it when I cancelled auctions. 304 auctions up. Cancelled 18 (using Quick Auctions 2). Then Altoholic reported that I had 602 auctions posted instead of the correct 286 (as verified by the auction house frame and a hand count). I checked the DataStore_Auctions.lua in my WTF directory and it has me listed as having three and four of many items up for auction. I only post a maximum of two of any given item, ever.