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not all quests getting exported to EQ
Bug #: 6208
File: CompletedQuests
Date: 10-20-09 11:11 AM
By: Flawlessa
Status: Game Bug (Cant fix)
There appears to be an issue with the export feature. Many of my completed low-level quests in Elwynn Forest did not make it over to EveryQuest. These quests are being returned by WoW as completed, and it seems you are saving them out in the CQ savefile, but they didn't make it over to EveryQuest.lua.


In CompletedQuests.lua file, I see the line

true, -- [40]

quest 40 is 'A Fishy Peril' in Elwynn Forest. However, the generated EveryQuest.lua doesn't have a line item for it.

I'm guessing I should have seen something like

[40] = {
["status"] = 2,
["imported"] = 3,
["id"] = 40,

but no such thing was there.

In a quick scan of the file, it looks like none of the 1 or 2-digit ID quests are surviving the export.

This test was done this morning, 10/20, on PTR. Just to be sure, I stopped by Elwynn Forest to be sure I really did complete the quest, and ran through the failures list to be sure it wasn't showing up there either.

If you'd like I can send you a copy of my CompletedQuests.lua file for debugging.

OHHH...look at this... there is a format change partway through the CQ.lua file:

nil, -- [427]
nil, -- [428]
nil, -- [429]
nil, -- [430]
nil, -- [431]
true, -- [432]
nil, -- [433]
true, -- [434]
[436] = true,
[10214] = true,
[7171] = true,
[10310] = true,
[10342] = true,
[10502] = true,
[10598] = true,


perhaps this explains it?

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By: wurmfood - 10-20-09 11:45 AM
There is definitely a potential for problems here and the format change may be part of it. I'm still trying to understand the reasoning for the format change and how it could impact this.

Unfortunately, I'm only able to work with the information that Blizzard has directly provided and that doesn't seem to allow for these quests to be marked as complete right now. I'm keeping my eye on changes in the API and information returned, so hopefully this will be fixed in a future build of the PTR. Until then, there's not much I can do.