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    View Bug Report
    Error upon login
    Bug #: 6328
    File: Notebook
    Date: 12-21-09 09:25 AM
    By: LadySilverwolf
    Status: Unconfirmed
    While I am still staring at my login screen, I hear buggrabber doing its job, and reporting it found a bug. I do nto know precisely what sets this off. If you require a list of addons as well, please let me know.

    1x Notebook-3.2.0\Notebook.lua:2283: attempt to call method 'SetMultilineIndent' (a nil value)
    Notebook-3.2.0\Notebook.lua:2053: in function `OnLoad'
    <string>:"*:OnLoad":1: in function <[string "*:OnLoad"]:1>
    self = NotebookBaseFrame {
     0 = <userdata>
    _thisFrame = NotebookBaseFrame {
     0 = <userdata>
    _notebookPlayerNamePopup = <table> {
     button2 = "Cancel"
     exclusive = 1
     OnShow = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:272:
     button1 = "Accept"
     OnHide = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:279:
     text = "Enter name of player to send to:"
     hideOnEscape = 1
     EditBoxOnEnterPressed = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:290:
     OnAccept = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:286:
     whileDead = 1
     timeout = 60
     maxLetters = 12
     EditBoxOnEscapePressed = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:294:
     hasEditBox = 1
    _notebookNewTitlePopup = <table> {
     button2 = "Cancel"
     exclusive = 1
     hasWideEditBox = 1
     button1 = "Accept"
     OnHide = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:317:
     text = "Enter new title for note:"
     hideOnEscape = 1
     whileDead = 1
     EditBoxOnEnterPressed = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:328:
     OnAccept = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:324:
     timeout = 60
     maxLetters = 60
     OnShow = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:310:
     EditBoxOnEscapePressed = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:332:
     hasEditBox = 1
    _notebookConfirmRemovePopup = <table> {
     button2 = "No"
     exclusive = 1
     timeout = 60
     button1 = "Yes"
     text = "Really delete "%s"?"
     showAlert = 1
     OnAccept = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:346:
     hideOnEscape = 1
     sound = "igCharacterInfoOpen"
     whileDead = 1
    _notebookConfirmUpdatePopup = <table> {
     button2 = "No"
     exclusive = 1
     timeout = 60
     button1 = "Yes"
     text = "Really replace "%s" with the one from %s?"
     showAlert = 1
     OnAccept = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:361:
     hideOnEscape = 1
     sound = "igCharacterInfoOpen"
     whileDead = 1
    _notebookConfirmServerPopup = <table> {
     button2 = "No"
     exclusive = 1
     timeout = 60
     button1 = "Yes"
     text = "Really send "%s" to %s channel?"
     showAlert = 1
     OnAccept = <function> @ Notebook\Notebook.lua:376:
     hideOnEscape = 1
     sound = "igCharacterInfoOpen"
     whileDead = 1