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Summary tab sorted columns not consistent nor remembered
Bug #: 6362
File: Altoholic
Date: 01-02-10 04:31 PM
By: Foam Head
Status: Unconfirmed
In the Account Summary sections, sorting columns is inconsistent. Two examples:

1. Open Altoholic
2. Go to Summary tab
3. Go to Account Summary section
4. Sort by Level (note the up/down arrow showing that you are sorting by this column)
5. Close Altoholic
6. Reopen Altoholic
7. Sort arrow on the Level column remains, but the data is not sorted (and IMHO it should be)

1. Open Altoholic
2. Go to Summary tab
3. Go to Account Summary section
4. Sort by Level (note the up/down arrow showing that you are sorting by this column)
5. Switch to the Bags section
6. There is no sort arrow on the Level column, but the data remains sorted by Level
7. Clicking on the level column to sort by level puts the sort arrow on the column, but does nothing to the sort order (instead of swapping the sort order).

The bottom line is that the column sorting in the Summary tab needs to be consistent across all sections and remembered across Altoholic close/reopens. Also, it might be helpful if the third click on a column changed it back to unsorted (i.e. 1st = ascending, 2nd = descending, 3rd = unsorted).

Thanks for a fantastic AddOn!