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DataStore_Inventory Error
Bug #: 6422
File: Miscellaneous
Date: 01-28-10 06:02 PM
By: Meebsy
Status: Unconfirmed
I recently selected the option in DataStore_Inventory to clear guild members gear each time I log in to reduce my database.
I noticed that each time I reload my UI I get the following error:
1x DataStore_Inventory-3.3.001\DataStore_Inventory.lua:113: attempt to index field 'Members' (a nil value)
DataStore_Inventory-3.3.001\DataStore_Inventory.lua:267: in function `func'
DataStore-v3.2.003\DataStore.lua:219: in function <DataStore\DataStore.lua:211>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:4>
<in C code>: ?
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":13: in function `?'
CallbackHandler-1.0-5:91: in function `Fire'
AceComm-3.0-6 (DataStore):268: in function <...ce\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0.lua:257>

Now this error only shows itself with using any of the console reload ui commands.
Tried it on a few of my alts and it did the same. No error when logging in but as soon as I reload my ui it pops up after 3 seconds.