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Chain-pulling sometimes make frame fade out
Bug #: 6445
File: RuneWatch
Date: 02-06-10 07:15 PM
By: Figgs
Status: Unconfirmed
I have the following settings from my WTF->RuneWatch.lua
			["pos"] = {
				["y"] = -30.22215636958074,
				["x"] = -199.3776346201332,
			["skin"] = {
				["theme"] = "Unholy",
				["active"] = "compact",
			["mmEnabled"] = false,
			["frame"] = {
				["runes"] = {
					["order"] = "bfu",
					["skin"] = "Blizzard",
			["behaviour"] = {
				["fadeout"] = {
					["opacity"] = 0.4,
			["minimap"] = {
				["hide"] = true,
Fade works properly most of the time, but I've noticed that if I do the following:
1. Death Grip MobA to me and fight it (frame lights up)
2. Before MobA is dead, I death grip MobB to me, spread disease to MobB.
3. MobA dies, I continue to fight MobB.
4. A second or so after MobA died, RuneWatch frame fades out as if out of combat. But I'm still fighting MobB.

It doesn't happen every single time when I do this, but it does happen regularly that I start finding it a little annoying.