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Guildcount in Tooltip
Bug #: 6489
File: Altoholic
Date: 03-06-10 10:20 PM
By: Irishhooligan
Status: Unconfirmed
First off, I love this addon. You re a genius!! The first time I had this addon, it did everything it was supposed to. I ve recently upgraded computers though, and had to download all the addons again. Since then, I can go into the altaholic window, and look at my guilds, and search, etc. However, the count of guild items doesnt show up in the tooltip when I mouse over an item like it did before (like its supposed to). I started a thread on this the other day, but just read into the bug reports tonight. My issues are the exact same as Eth's Bug Report ( ID# 6483 ). I even did the same things trying to resolve the problem, Deleting Altaholic and everything asociated with it, including the variables. Then I redownloaded it, but its still doing the same thing. There is no guildcount from my other guilds in the tooltip. Please help.

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By: Irishhooligan - 03-14-10 10:37 PM
The newest update has fixed my bug with guildcount of items not being in the tooltip. My thanks and sincere gratitude to those responsible.