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Additional bars without target showing up.
Bug #: 6901
File: ForteXorcist
Date: 10-19-10 09:23 AM
By: Chrisraamah
Status: Confirmed (Working on Fix)
Hey, I've been having similar problems to a post slightly further down when, in aoe situations and possibly some single target situations, extra bars show up without a reason. As far as I can tell I have no settings enabled to make this happe. If it helps you determine the problem, when extra bars show up they do not seem to include glyphs in the overall duration but the problem does occur with spells unaffected by glyphs. On my warrior the normal bars show a 45 second demo shout with glyph, and the extra bars will display 30. Screenies for the bug happening and of my current settings included. Its possible there is a setting in the newer version I have glossed over by mistake.


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By: Chrisraamah - 10-19-10 08:58 PM
thanks very much for the swift reply and for maintaining probably the only irreplaceable addon I use. Much thanks m8
By: Xus - 10-19-10 03:35 PM
no, it's not because of your settings, it's because the modules are not complete for 4.0.1 yet.
By: Chrisraamah - 10-19-10 09:24 AM
Bad link, sorry.
