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Menu spacing gone?
Bug #: 698
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 04-13-06 06:39 AM
By: Aileen
Status: Fixed
I noticed that in the past couple revisions, all the blank spacer lines in the menus are gone. I haven't had a chance to check if this was a FuBar change for the FuBar provided menu options, but my own menu options are not being spaced either. I am using FuBarUtils.AddSpacerDropDownMenu() to add blank lines, per the docs.

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By: Boss - 04-14-06 10:01 AM
I'm definitely not having this problem.
By: Aileen - 04-14-06 11:40 AM
Here's a screenshot showing a couple of my menus. On my FarmerFu menu (far right), I am using FuBarUtils.AddSpaceDropDownMenu() in between Remove/Monitor and Monitor/Sort Field. Plus I remember there used to be some spacing between the BossPanel/FuBar supplied menu items. (In case the image is too small, the menu on the left is the FuBar menu itself and the one in the center is PerformanceFu).

By: Aileen - 04-15-06 11:43 PM
Some more info that I don't know if it is relevant or not... I put some debugging output into FuBarUtils to see if I could figure out why the drop down spacing is not being displayed. I thought maybe the spacerDropDown value was not getting set properly somewhere, but I couldnt't get anything to print out in the UIDropDownMenu_AddButton function. I added another debug output to ToggleDropDownMenu, and it did not print either. It seems like they should have?

This is with a fresh copy of the latest FuBar. The "here" never printed out at all.

local old_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton = UIDropDownMenu_AddButton
UIDropDownMenu_AddButton = function(info, level)
	if spacerDropDown == (level or 1) then
		spacerDropDown = nil
		local info = compost:AcquireHash(
			'disabled', TRUE
		old_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level or 1)
	old_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)

local old_ToggleDropDownMenu = ToggleDropDownMenu
ToggleDropDownMenu = function(level, value, dropDownFrame, anchorName, xOffset, yOffset)
	spacerDropDown = nil
	old_ToggleDropDownMenu(level, value, dropDownFrame, anchorName, xOffset, yOffset)
By: Boss - 04-21-06 09:54 PM
Some other addon is blocking it, either way, it should be fixed (in the SVN)
By: Aileen - 04-22-06 11:01 AM
Have the latest SVN version and now I am getting spacing but only for the first menu opened at any given level, and then they are gone. For example, first time opening the FuBar tooltip there was a space between the "Other" category and "Center Text", then the next time it was gone (and no subsequent plugins had spaces in their menus), then I opened up the "Remove" submenu in my own Farmer plugin and had a space, then the next time it was gone, etc.

Thanks for the heads up that its another plugin blocking it, I will fiddle around and figure out which one and bug the author.
By: Aileen - 04-22-06 11:59 AM
Hooray, I have consistent menu spacing again!

After disabling all my plugins (in WoW, not just in FuBar) I was still having spacing problems with just the FuBar menu. I fiddled with FuBarUtils.lua a bit, and ended up replacing the entire block from line 493 to 505 with:

local spacerDropDown = nil
function FuBarUtils.AddSpacerDropDownMenu(level)
	if spacerDropDown ~= (level or 1) then
		spacerDropDown = level or 1
		local info = compost:AcquireHash(
			'disabled', TRUE
		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level or 1)
                spacerDropDown = nil