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Balance Sunfire Proc Not Working
Bug #: 7100
File: GrimUI
Date: 12-12-10 09:36 AM
By: Dawnsprout
Status: Unconfirmed
As the title states, when Sunfire procs for a Balance Druid, you can’t click the button from the UI and instead have to open the Prayer Book and click from there. The Lunar proc works just fine so I’m not sure if the issue is because the Sunfire proc chances Moonfire to Sunfire for the duration of the proc or if it’s something else. Sadly, this is a major issue for a Balance Druid so I hope it can be fixed! Heck, maybe I have something checked wrong in the config and that’s what causing it! If so, please let me know, either way.

Thank you!
~ Dawnsprout.

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By: Grimsin - 02-14-11 06:53 PM
okay so im studying this more and i think i see what your saying. This is a problem with Macaroon if it is infact a problem at all. What is supposed to happen when you use the proc? it looks to me like its working. Its just nothing you actually see happens when you cast the proced spells. Or em i wrong? i lvld a druid just to look at this lol so i dont know how they work that well.
By: Grimsin - 02-13-11 09:04 AM
Click what button? on Macaroon?or is there some other button? you mean the bar that highlights is normally a button?