View Bug Report
MSBTLoot/MSBTParser Error
Bug #: 7146
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 12-30-10 09:22 AM
By: Decabah
Status: Fixed
5x MikScrollingBattleText-5.5.91\MSBTLoot.lua:108: bad argument #3 to 'string_gsub' (string/function/table expected)
MikScrollingBattleText-5.5.91\MSBTParser.lua:862: in function <...terface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTParser.lua:791>

I started receiving this error out of the blue last night, after afking out and logging back in.

I have some custom strings that I created that may be interfering with it, but I'm not sure as I've been using the two side by side for months.