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Nil 'recent' index value [GuildRosterButtons, v1.4]
Bug #: 7162
File: GuildRosterButtons
Date: 01-03-11 09:16 PM
By: Myrathi
Status: Fixed
These two bugs popped up the very first time I ran the AddOn (on my EU client).

They do NOT occur, again, even if I:
a) /reload the client;
b) re-log the same character (without logging out of my account);
c) re-log a different character (without logging out of my account);
c) re-log the account completely (without closing the client);
d) restart the client and log back in (different characters and account).

They DO occur, again, when I loaded up the AddOn, for the first time, on my NA client. They do NOT occur again, under the same circumstances as the EU client.

IOW: I can't get them to happen more than once per client. :P

1: This one popped up immediately upon login (no interaction).
Date: 2011-01-04 02:36:33
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...ace\AddOns\GuildRosterButtons\GuildRosterButtons.lua line 60:
attempt to index upvalue 'recent' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
...ace\AddOns\GuildRosterButtons\GuildRosterButtons.lua:60: OnLoad()

2: This one popped up when I clicked the [Professions] button, on the guild 'Roster' pane (it was in 'Player Status' mode, initially).
Date: 2011-01-04 02:44:57
Error occured in: Global
Count: 24
Message: ...ace\AddOns\GuildRosterButtons\GuildRosterButtons.lua line 17:
attempt to index upvalue 'recent' (a nil value)
[C]: ?

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By: suicidalkatt - 01-09-11 02:32 AM
Duly noted.

Marking as fixed!
By: Myrathi - 01-08-11 07:19 PM
Can't get it to happen on any of my untested chars, any more. Pretty sure you fixed it. Thanks!
By: suicidalkatt - 01-04-11 02:45 AM
It's probably just a nil for characters that don't have a CVar for the guild roster page.

I should be able to fix it shortly.