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ItemRack.lua Line 4606: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value) error popping up constantly
Bug #: 735
File: ItemRack
Date: 04-18-06 02:16 PM
By: jotun
Status: Fixed
Immediately after obtaining 2 18 slot Bottomless bags, in addition to the one I already had (plus core felcloth soul bag). Prior to this, the addon worked fine. It still works, but the constant errors are very annoying :(

I tried erasing my wtf folder and reconfiguring all addons again, to no avail.

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By: Gello - 04-21-06 08:09 AM
Should be fixed in 1.96 let me know if not.
By: jotun - 04-19-06 10:27 AM
Just logged in and tested that, seems to work fine now! Thanks for the quick response
By: jotun - 04-19-06 10:21 AM
After playing around with it, it doesn't occur as soon as I log in, however after logging in or zoning any inventory change will cause the error to occur. Changing sets seems to prevent the error from ocurring until I zone, at which point the error recurs until I change sets again.

My workaround has been, when I zone to just switch to a different set then switch back. That seems to suppress it for the most part, though I would still get it on occasion.
By: Gello - 04-19-06 07:42 AM
Well I have a fix but I'm more curious what causes that problem. Does this error persist across sessions? When you log in, does the error begin right away on inventory changes, or does it only begin after you equip a set?

I'll have the fix posted tonight probably but in the meantime if you want, add the five lines in bold:

-- when an iteration begins, on each ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED check if the swaps are done
-- if so, remove the current queue entry and go to the next one
-- this is where swaps end
function Rack.OnItemLockChanged()

if not Rack.SwapQueueOrder[1] then
Rack.SetSwapping = nil

if not Rack.AnyLocked() then
local setname = Rack.SwapQueue[Rack.SwapQueueOrder[1]].setname
if not string.find(setname,"^Rack-") and not string.find(setname,"^ItemRack") then
Rack_User[user].CurrentSet = setname
By: Gello - 04-18-06 03:17 PM
I'll look into it thanks!
By: jotun - 04-18-06 02:22 PM
Specifically, the error seems to occur any time something in the inventory changes (consuming a potion, drink, food, conjuring something, picking up loot, moving stuff to and from the bank, etc)