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Item counts/location not appearing for some items
Bug #: 7509
File: Altoholic
Date: 08-28-11 11:10 AM
By: rick225
Status: Unconfirmed
I use altoholic to track who has what and how many across all my alts. Since the current update 4.2.001 it seems that some items don't have the ability.
For example, herbs:

Swiftthistle works perfectly, as does Sorrowmoss, Dragon's Teeth, etc.

FavAlt 83(Bags:63, Mail:20)

but most all other herbs do not show any information:

Fadeleaf, Gromsblood, Felweed, Netherbloom, Stranglekelp, Firebloom, etc.

I just noticed this as I was ready to power-level alchemy and was looking for low herbs, and noticed no location/counts for many of them.
