View Bug Report
RaidHelper: bad argument #3 to 'format'
Bug #: 7542
File: ElvUI_ChatTweaks
Date: 10-15-11 04:00 PM
By: Blazeflack
Status: Awaiting Feedback
Tonight I experienced 2 errors with the RaidHelper module. I can't remember exactly what was going on when the errors popped, since I was busy going through tacts for Ragnaros.

Here are the errors
Date: 2011-10-15 23:20:55
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...rface\AddOns\ElvUI_ChatTweaks\Modules\RaidHelper.lua line 105:
   bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
   (tail call): ?
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: ?
   ...rface\AddOns\ElvUI_ChatTweaks\Modules\RaidHelper.lua:105: ?()
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:4:
      [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:4
   [C]: ?
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:13: ?()
   ...ory\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:92: Fire()
Date: 2011-10-15 23:21:14
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...rface\AddOns\ElvUI_ChatTweaks\Modules\RaidHelper.lua line 92:
   bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
   (tail call): ?
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: ?
   ...rface\AddOns\ElvUI_ChatTweaks\Modules\RaidHelper.lua:92: ?()
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:4:
      [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:4
   [C]: ?
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:13: ?()
   ...ory\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:92: Fire()

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By: Blazeflack - 10-15-11 04:06 PM
Actually, looking back, I think the first error was with a fish feast from WotLK and the 2nd error was when someone put down a jeeves repair bot. Don't know why that would error out. Might just have been a glitch. I had raid assistant at the time, in case that matters.
By: Lockslap - 10-17-11 03:04 PM
Change line 104 to:
local _, link = GetItemInfo(tonumber(ids[tostring(spellID)]))
See if that corrects it.
By: Blazeflack - 10-18-11 05:08 AM
I'll do that and keep an eye on it for next weeks raiding. It appears to only happen when you're in Ragnaros' lair.
By: Blazeflack - 10-18-11 05:17 AM
Oh, the fix you suggested, should that take care of the error from the WotLK fish feast aswell?
By: Blazeflack - 10-20-11 02:59 PM
Using v3.5 now and still getting error. This time it was with a fish feast (cata version)

Date: 2011-10-20 20:50:02
ID: -1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...rface\AddOns\ElvUI_ChatTweaks\Modules\RaidHelper.lua line 92:
   bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
   (tail call): ?
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: ?
   ...rface\AddOns\ElvUI_ChatTweaks\Modules\RaidHelper.lua:92: ?()
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:4:
      [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:4
   [C]: ?
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[15]"]:13: ?()
   ...ory\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:92: Fire()
By: Lockslap - 10-20-11 08:08 PM
I don't know what to tell you, I watched the addon work flawlessly in raid last night with feasts and cauldrons.
By: Blazeflack - 10-21-11 04:37 AM
It does appear to be very random as it doesn't happen every time someone puts something on the ground which the addon should report. Probably just a glitch on my end then.
By: Blazeflack - 10-23-11 05:17 PM
Just an update. I haven't seen any errors the last few days. I've been on 3 Firelands raids since I last saw an error and it seems to have solved itself. The only change I can think of is disabling "Remove Icons" from the Spam Filter module but I can't see how this should be the cause.