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Unable to put spells on action paged bars and /ec not working
Bug #: 7595
File: ElvUI
Date: 12-15-11 11:15 PM
By: xOblivion
Status: Unconfirmed
I put off updating into 3.0 from the issues I heard, but now at 3.08 I'm loving many changes, particularly to the action bars. With that said, I've encountered two errors.

/ec is failing to work, with the following error message: "..\AddOns\ElvUI_Config\core.lua line 61:
ElvuiConfig isn't registed with AceConfigRegistry, unable to open confi"

A huge personal problem for me, since I end up modifying the buff reminders next to the minimap, which ends up covering the "C" to config button (my skills only go so far, haven't figured out how to move this button as a different solution to accessing the configuration)

The second and more important issue is that I am unable to put spells onto the pinged version of action bars. For example, bar three I have set for [stance:2];, which is correctly pinged when I enter this stance. However when I go to place spells on this now empty bar, I get the following error:
" ..\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua line 397:
Call failed: ..\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua line 397:
Call failed: [string " if self:GetAttribute("LABdisableDragNDrop..."] line 30:
bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got string)"

This is a more serious issue, that I quite frankly don't know how to handel myself.

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By: xOblivion - 12-15-11 11:20 PM
Also, when attempting to add spells to the pinged action bar, the following message is produced in the main chat window:
"no spell id? spell # spell"

# is an actual number based on the spell, but does not to appear to be true spell ID's (for ex, I'm getting random numbers between 45-55)
By: xOblivion - 12-16-11 12:44 AM
Ignore the first issue with /ec not working, since I updated through curse, the ElUI_Config folder was still there causing this issue, I cut my google searching one link short of the answer through frustration.

As for the main issue, the numbers posted in the chat window stay consistent with each spell (enslave demon always results in 41, eye of kilrogg is 42, etc).