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Undocking nested window causes WoW-64.exe to crash
Bug #: 7682
File: Prat 3.0
Date: 05-13-12 02:19 PM
By: Morwrath
Status: Unconfirmed
When attempting to Undock a window that is docked to the general chat window (right clicking and selecting "Undock"), causes WOW-64.exe to crash.

Tested this with all addons completely disabled and the Undock works correctly; however, loading Prat-3.0/ Prat 3.0 [Libraries] and attempting it causes wow-64.exe to crash.

I posted the bug on here because this bug does not exist when there are no addons loaded, so I have a feeling that it's something Prat does once a window is undocked, is causing a memory error.

I did not have the HighCPU module loaded.

Send me a message if you want a print out of the error or if you think I should post the error message on the forums.

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By: Morwrath - 05-13-12 02:20 PM
Tested this in 32-bit wow, same thing.