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Increasing memory?
Bug #: 770
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 04-21-06 11:31 AM
By: Lomir
Status: Game Bug (Cant fix)
Well I narrowed it down to Fubar (I think lol)... I have went thru and disabled all my addons one by one and when I disable Fubar it fixes it..

The problem is my increasing memory has been up to 200kb/s which cause my garbage collection thing to run every 15-30 secs... But like I said when I disable fubar and use AceGCinfo my increasing memory never passes 2kb/s lol.. So plz help..

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By: Boss - 04-21-06 11:52 AM
I have never experienced anything this drastic. The only time I've gotten those kinds of numbers is when I'm opening the Auction House.
By: Lomir - 04-21-06 01:36 PM
well then I am wondering if maybe it iw one of the FuBar addons. I never went thru those disabling one by one to see since I have about 20 or more of them lol.. I will post what I find out later tonight.
By: KamuiGT - 04-21-06 04:23 PM
I've had this problem when I installed the recently updated Friends and Guild plugins. One of both of these are causing a 200kb/s increase. I disabled both of them so I don't know which one it is exactly.
By: Boss - 04-21-06 04:53 PM
Okay, I can promise you though, that it is not FuBar proper's fault, or any of the plugins that I personally wrote.
By: Lomir - 04-21-06 07:20 PM
Yep sry Boss its not FuBar.. I have found out its the friends plugin.. Sry for bugging u but I also want to say how much I luv u and ur work man.. FuBar totally whoops the Titans ass... <3 and yes I gave it 5 stars ..