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Standard WoW macro compatibility errors, and a problem with pet bars.
Bug #: 7715
File: Neuron
Date: 08-20-12 06:19 AM
By: MoeTM
Status: Wont fix
I have came across 4 (maybe more but I've either forgot or don’t know) errors with how your add-on is compatible with the standard WoW macros.

Some information to let you know, to help debugging it and what not.
I have 3 self made bars.
bar 1 = where I dump all my spells and macros ETC. (In an order that I like though, as I'm an OCD when it comes to ordering). 75 buttons, 25 columns. No bindings.
bar 2 = 10 button wide pet action bar. No bindings.
bar 3 = 7 columns 28 bar, display of my key bindings. (The thing that I love most about your plug-in, Best one I’ve came across.) But it is also one of the bars that changes when you press shift, ctrl and alt. All my keyboard bindings.

Bug No.1:
If you have the pet bar exceed 10 buttons it starts to duplicate the other commands, so 11 is the same as 1, 12 is the same as 2, etc. (this isn't too much of a problem but I love to be able to see 100% of what I can use, same with my pet so it can get a little annoying)

Bug No.2:
If you put a macro into the 'bar 3', it sometimes duplicates it into bar 1, in a random place (generally towards the centre, from my experience). This is mostly annoying because if I move it from that place on 'bar 1' then it ether moves or disappears from 'bar 3'.

Bug No.3:
I have 3 different profiles 1 for the blank layout of the UI, so that I can add spells to it and not have to remake the UI again with all my standard key bindings, etc. another for PvE and the other for PvP.

I first made the PvE profile, with most of my desired key bindings some being the same on all no modifier, shift, ctrl and alt, but these are my standard WoW macros. (For healing my pet, stopping my pet from attacking, changing aspects, etc)

I then saved it, (after making it 4 times from forgetting to save it, it would be nice to ask if you want to save changes Because I forget tones) I then made a new one, from scratch, (silly me could have just got rid of the spell’s I didn't want) and made it have the macros for healing, changing aspects, etc. And I saw bug No.1. I then got 'bar 3' how I want.

Finally I saved it played for a while and started to test out what different profiles done. (Because you have the 4 options) and found out that you could only have one active at a time. Mega unhappy face :(, or is this a bug as you preview pictures show that as a feature. But I got really confused with what I done, and have forgotten.

After I found ether the bug or non-feature, I went to make a blank profile. I based it off the PvE profile, and got rid of all the buttons (I'm sure there buttons. Your 4 save options confused me, but the spell and macro 'buttons'). I then saved it with the name 'Bar Layout' (because it was just going to be blank and stuff and then you just add the spells, through different profiles but just save the spells not layout, but I don't know how).

So I've saved the 3 different profiles only having a connection between 'Bar Layout' and 'MoeTM PvE' (and the other profiles that I deleted because they didn't work). And the PvP profile being completely untouched and un-copied, etc. and went to look at my PvE profile and bam! All my macros have disappeared! I go to check my PvP one named 'MoeTM PvP' and all the macros had gone from that one too.

Basically if you have forgotten from my mass of writing I made 3 profiles, 2 with bindings first (macros had duped here). Played a bit, was looking at how your plug-in saves works and, no deletion of macros had happened yet. Made a blank profile just with layout of the bars and how many buttons there meant to be, copied from 'MoeTM PvE'. And 100% of my macros had gone.

Bug No.4:
Some random buttons can’t have WoW standard macros put onto them. For some you can put a normal spell onto it and it will be able to be placed but is extremely strange. (This may have been fixed as I haven’t experienced it lately and I forgot what add-ons the client had updated.)

Here’s 4 screenshots of the 3 profiles:

If there are any problems with seeing the pictures you can download them as a .zip here:

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By: Maul - 08-31-12 03:23 PM
Thank you for reporting the issue. However, you probably now realize that Macaroon has been discontinued and that Ion has taken its place. Since this bug was posted before the 5.0.4 patch, I am going to close it. If you try Ion and get the same issue, feel free to report it!
By: MoeTM - 08-27-12 03:28 PM
Sorry by being inexperianced with the addon I have found out that Bug: 1, 2 and 4 are irelivant as that is how you prgramed the addon. However I have no Idea why it would do that with Bug 3 (maby it copy's the ID:#'s from profile to profile).