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    View Bug Report
    Bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)
    Bug #: 7746
    File: QuestGuru
    Date: 09-02-12 03:52 AM
    By: Aoife59
    Status: Game Bug (Cant fix)

    Error: Variable text is nil. arg1=Mail sent., questID=6, i=1, numObjectives=1, questLogTitleText=Fun for the Little Ones

    Date: 2012-09-02 02:45:33
    ID: 2
    Error occured in: Global
    Count: 1
    Message: ..\AddOns\QuestGuru\QuestGuru.lua line 415:
    bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)
    [C]: ?
    [C]: find()
    QuestGuru\QuestGuru.lua:415: QuestGuru_UIInfoMessage()
    QuestGuru\QuestGuru.lua:38: QuestGuru_OnEvent()
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "(.*):%s*([%d]+)%s*/%s*([%d]+)"
    (*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"

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    By: yndara - 09-02-12 08:59 PM
    I am getting a very similar error. Like the previous poster, I was at the Darkmoon Faire:

    25x QuestGuru\QuestGuru-2.2.10-50001.lua:410: bad argument #1 to "find" (string expected, got nil)
    <in C code>
    QuestGuru\QuestGuru-2.2.10-50001.lua:410: in function "QuestGuru_UIInfoMessage"
    QuestGuru\QuestGuru-2.2.10-50001.lua:38: in function "QuestGuru_OnEvent"
    QuestGuru\QuestGuru-2.2.10-50001.lua:15: in function <QuestGuru\QuestGuru.lua:14>

    arg1 = "Targets Hit: 1/25"
    questID = 0
    sound = nil
    announceText = nil
    numEntries = 29
    numQuests = 18
    i = nil
    ii = 1
    jj = 17
    itemName = "Targets Hit"
    numDone = "1"
    numNeeded = "25"
    questLogTitleText = "Fun for the Little Ones"
    level = 85
    questTag = nil
    suggestedGroup = 0
    isHeader = nil
    isCollapsed = nil
    isComplete = nil
    isDaily = nil
    (for index) = 9
    (for limit) = 29
    (for step) = 1
    questID = 9
    numObjectives = 1
    currQuest = false
    questComplete = true
    (for index) = 1
    (for limit) = 1
    (for step) = 1
    i = 1
    text = nil
    type = nil
    finished = nil
    By: yndara - 09-02-12 09:37 PM
    Sadly this error appears every time I make progress on any Darkmoon Faire quest. Including the one to collect Grisly Trophies, so at the moment every time I kill a mob...
    By: Gregity - 09-02-12 09:48 PM
    Sadly, I must report that Blizzard is the blame for this problem. I've uploaded a new version that detects that the info is missing (that should be there as Blizzard says it should be there) and just skip processing the objective that is missing. If it happens to be the objective that you just completed, then the announce message and sounds won't trigger. But I can't help that as Blizzard isn't providing correct information.
    By: yndara - 09-02-12 10:20 PM
    That works for me, I'll test it out tomorrow, thanks for the super quick update!
    By: yndara - 09-03-12 09:37 AM
    Working great, no errors this morning. Thanks again!