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Ion still showing empty vehicle buttons in pet bar
Bug #: 7787
File: Ion: Pet Bar
Date: 09-12-12 10:21 AM
By: kittykatmax
Status: Unconfirmed
When I mount a vehicle, the petbar appears with a health bar, but there are no buttons. If I left-click the Ion minimap button to go into config mode, I can see the action buttons (for example, the ones for the argent tournament jousting) but when I exit config mode the buttons/spells disappear, and there doesn't seem to be a way to turn them on.

Part of my problem is the fact that I use STUF unit frames, and I have the kgpanel set with the as the parent. If I set the Ion pet bar as the parent, however, I'm still stuck with the STUF pet (displaying vehicle) unit frame - they don't differentiate between pet, vehicle and possess. :(

Will you ever be implementing the vehicle/possess into the pet bars the way it worked in Macaroon?

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By: kittykatmax - 09-13-12 11:36 AM meant Crazyivan.../blush
By: kittykatmax - 09-13-12 11:35 AM
I have override checked. My main bar switches to vehicle/possess when it needs to. It's more a cosmetic thing. My pet bar also appears (STUF unit frame/kgpanel) but no action bars when I'm possessed or in a vehicle, but there are no corresponding action bars so there's this weird blank spot. If you go into config mode you can SEE the correct action bar/buttons, but when you exit config there's nothing. There's no way to disable the possess/vehicle part of the pet unit frame (the STUF addon developer told me it's all shared) and still have a working pet bar for when I actually have a class pet. While I'd rather not have duplicate bars, I can live with it - I just hated the missing spell buttons, so I made a new bar to overlay the pet one and gave it the vehicle/possess function so it doesn't look like something is missing (even though it has no real purpose). Hopefully that makes sense.
By: NyghtWyng - 09-13-12 12:08 AM
Make sure that on your Bar States for your Vehicle and Possess bar that you also have Override checked as well. I forget which fight I was in -- might have been one of the battlegrounds -- but it was missing the toolbar even though it was a "vehicle." Checking the "override" option brought up the buttons for it.
By: crazyivan - 09-12-12 09:04 PM
I tried configuring a normal bar but i am still getting blank buttons in the heroic nef fight
By: kittykatmax - 09-12-12 10:37 AM
And yes, it finally dawned on me to just make a "regular" Ion bar and configure it to possess/vehicle and then place it over the pet bar. I also contacted the STUF author to ask if they could differentiate between class/controllable pets and the vehicle/possess units.